Jul 24, 2017

Volkswagen Baton RougeIt’s not every day that a car company ventures outside of their comfort zone to create something new, unexpected, or different from the rest of their line-up. But, that is what Volkswagen did with the Atlas. Along with the excitement of the release of the new Atlas has come a natural curiosity and a number of questions. We have been asked everything from, “what made Volkswagen want to build a mid-size SUV” to “will it feel like the Volkswagen I’m used to driving?” Fortunately, Volkswagen has put together a short video series on the Atlas’ backstory, or rather, how the Atlas came to be.



The first question answered in the videos is, “what made Volkswagen want to build the Atlas?”

Next, they addressed design and explained how the “look” of the Atlas was formed.

The third video talks about getting the Atlas from idea to reality.

The fourth and final video of the series covers what went in to the engineering of the Atlas and how Volkswagen hopes it will with the lifestyle of the Volkswagen driver.

If you are thinking about making the move to an SUV, and want to schedule a test drive, please contact our team at Southpoint Volkswagen.


test drive an atlas