Dec 7, 2016

Volkswagen beetleAs the calendar gets ready to turn over to a new year, and temperatures finally begin to drop, it is time to start getting your Volkswagen ready for cooler Baton Rouge weather. Though Louisiana winters aren’t as extreme as other parts of the country, there are still things you need to do to prepare. We may not get much, if any, snow, but we get our share of nasty, wintry weather. Here are a few simple reminders to keep you safer on the road.

Check your windshield wipers

Make sure they are flush with your windshield. As leaves and pine needles fall, they can get behind your wipers creating indentations that result in streaks left behind when you use them. You also want to make sure the rubber on the wiper blades is still in good shape as it can age and deteriorate throughout the year.

Check your tires

Changes in temperature often lead to a drop in tire pressure. It’s always a good idea to check your tire pressure as the temperature drops to make sure it is at the right level. While we’re talking tires, it’s a good idea to check the tread regularly as well. You can quickly use the penny test to see how worn they are and if you are due for new tires.

Test your battery

This is one that catches a lot of people off guard. The morning after the first freeze of the winter; you go out to your car, sit down, turn the key… and nothing happens. There are two main possibilities to explain this. The first is, your battery’s connections. Cold weather causes metal to contract, and this can cause the terminals to lose their connection with the posts. Provided everything is properly connected, it is possible that your battery drained overnight. A battery can lose thirty five percent of its strength when the temperature hits the freezing point and even more as it dips lower.

Check your coolant

It may seem like an oxymoron to need coolant in the winter, but you do. It is also important to make sure you have a 50/50 coolant to water ratio. This lowers the freezing point of the mixture, while also cooling the engine when the car is running. If you use all coolant, you run the risk of engine failure. If you use all water, you raise the risk of it freezing, creating the possibility for a leak in the system.

Check your lights

Naturally, you never want to have a burned out light in your car, as it could potentially get you a ticket. But, it is of even greater importance during the winter months for safety reasons. Days are shorter, and we use our lights more in the winter. With some winter storms, we need our lights just as much in the afternoon as we do at night. Make sure each of your lights work properly, and pay particular attention to your headlights. If they seem dimmer than they should be, have the covers cleaned, or have the bulbs replaced.

These reminders are all very simple, but also easily overlooked. If you would like us to take a look at your vehicle to make sure everything is ready for the winter, please schedule an appointment with our service department at Southpoint Volkswagen and we’ll happily get you ready for the cold.